Saturday, December 27, 2008


Christmas already and I should have told you what the top secret project was A CHRISTMAS TREE.
A Christmas tree made out of a magazine!!!!!!!
Our Christmas was very fun!!
We got a wii!!!
well bye
Merry Christmas

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hot chocolate walk

Today is going to be so fun because this morning my family went to the club and did a hot chocolate walk.
We ran about 3 miles and went back to the club.
When we got there we got hot chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Later we go to church then go home and get dressed in regular clothes then we go to the Gokeys!!!
We get to make ginger bread houses.
Today is a really good and fun day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I can't wait till christmas!!!
Because me and my sister make a fort on christmas eve an wake up realy early and look in our stockings!!!
its so fun!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


I can't wait for Christmas because I made clues for every person in the family and I'm going to hide there presents and I made 4 clues for each person in the family.
1 clue leads to another clue and another clue until they find the present(s)
Andrew only got 1 present because his the biggest!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

School's out!!!

Today was the last day of school until January 6Th!!!!
Today at school since it was the last day of school we got to watch the polar express. When we watched it we got hot chocolate and cookies!!!
We did a jingle jog and at the end we were supposed to get a candy cane when we got back to the school.
So me and my friend Ethan went to get one and they had watermelon ones and peppermint ones and me and Ethan don't like peppermint so we told them we don't like peppermint and they wouldn't give us watermelon!!!
So me and Ethan didn't get a candy cane!!!
But we still had fun watching the movie!!!
Well bye

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Top secret project

At school were doing a top secret project.
Its top secret because its the Christmas present were making for are parents.
I'll tell you what were making on Christmas.
Well Bye!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Daddy's Back!!

I'm Back
On Tuesday my dad came back from Ohio.
When he came home we came running over to hug him me Christine and Andrew were wrestling.
(We didn't get to see him till the next day cause he came home so late)
Well T.T.F.N.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Creekwood Clogers

Hi I'm Back
Every Monday I go to clogging.
Clogging is like tap dancing except the taps on the shoes for clogging have two taps on one clog.
On Wed. December 17 at 6:30 we have a clogging recital and that was the problem. I also have a recital at school on the same day and the same time.
Then at clogging Maddie (clogging teacher) told me that our group would go last.
Well that's all bye.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Daddy left

Hi I,m Back.
On Friday my dad left to go to Ohio.
For a business trip.
He was going to surprise my grandma and grandpa by visiting them without telling them.
He got my grandma and grandpa's house on Sunday.
Well that's all I have to say,Bye.

Friday, November 28, 2008

The park

I'm back
Today I went to the park.
So we were playing and we were only there for about 20 min. then Andrew wanted to come home cause he was tired.
So my mom went home with Andrew .
Me and Christine stayed there.
Then Christine's Friends Callie and Casey came.
So I had no one to play with. Then My best friend Brenna came unexpectedly came.
So me and Christine were there for at least an hour.
So finally me and Christine came home.
So that's all for now.

Iron Man

I'm Back
Hi last night I watched Iron Man.
It was very violent.
Most of it was fighting.
But it was very good.
Except Andrew turning on this fake Santa so we couldn't hear.
So T.T.F.N.
(Ta Ta for now)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey cupcakes

Hey I'm back
Yesterday I went to my friend Jades house and we made cupcakes they were turkey cupcakes.
We first got big cupcakes with no frosting.
then we got little cupcakes then we frosted the big cupcakes.
Then we frosted the little ones.
We put sprinkles on all of them.
We got flower shaped cookies and those would be the feathers.
We stuck 1 cookie on each cupcake.
Then we put toothpicks behind the cookies so they wouldn't fall.
then we used the little cupcakes for the the head we put mini m&m's for the eyes.
Then we used candy corn for the nose and cut up fruit roll up for the gobbler.
I got to bring home 5 since I have 5 people in the family Christine,Andrew,my dad and my mom.
So that's all By BY

Turkey trot

Hey I'm here again
Today I did the turkey trot today I ran a 5k I ran with my friends Taylor , Anna,Steve (Anna's dad),and Bob( Bradly's dad).
We made up a name for the group it was turkey team and if someone wanted to join...they had to now a secret password it was gobble gobble but we thought it would be to easy so we changed it to oink oink.
Ahead it was Kim(Bradley's mom),Trent(Taylor's little brother) and Bradley.
we were trying to get ahead of them.So I did but I left my group behind so I was running then finally Bob caught up and we were running we passed a family running and the mom asked how old are you and i said 9 and she said well your doing awesome.
Me and Bob crossed the street and he said What about me I'm 37 she didn't tell me I was doing awesome!
Alex Gokey ran the 10k with his mom.
Thats all i have to say(type)
See ya Later!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

All about me

Hi I'm Maggie I am 9 years old and in 3rd grade I live in Arizona I like to run hike swim and play soccer.
My favorite color is red my favorite food is Pizza Hut my favorite desert is ice cream.
I was born in Ohio and moved here when I was 7 I was born in 1999.
I have a brother named Andrew and a sister named Christine.
So...That's all see ya later